Understanding Whiplash And How One Can Recover From It

By Zeina Grifoni

When the neck is moved abruptly in any one direction it can result in a painful injury. Known as whiplash, it usually occurs following a sudden impact such as a motor vehicle accident, and causes damage to the tendons and ligaments in the neck. Pain and stiffness follow when this happens and are characteristic of this type of injury.

The symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the nature of the accident and from which direction the neck experienced the force. Patients usually report a painful, stiff neck which makes movement difficult, headaches, muscle spasms, and sometimes pain that is referred into the back, shoulders, or arms. At first the patient may not notice the pain, as it may take 6-12 hours to set in, and it will likely get worse over the days that follow.

Less commonly, one may experience such symptoms as numbness in the arms and hands, lower back pain, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision, and vertigo. Even more rarely, one may have memory, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms if experienced, should not last long, if they do, a physician should be consulted.

Automobile accidents are by far the most common cause of this condition, but it can also happen due to other traumatic events. If a person slips and falls, hitting his or her head, such as down a flight of stairs, or is injured in a contact sport such as boxing, football, or hockey, or is hit across the head in a violent act like a mugging, it may cause this type of injury.

It is usually a fairly straightforward diagnosis, most physicians need only to examine the patient and find out which symptoms he or she is experiencing, in order to positively diagnose this condition. This is why the patient must be sure to disclose all facts surrounding the accident and any symptoms he or she is experiencing to the doctor in detail. Sometimes an x-ray, CT scan, or MRI may also be indicated.

In many cases, this condition is "self-limiting", which means that it will typically improve over time with minimal treatment. Patients may take analgesics for the pain such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, if it is extreme, the doctor may prescribe a stronger drug like codeine. If the pain continues for more than six months, which is unusual, it may be chronic.

Although it will likely be painful, it is important to one's recovery to keep the neck mobile as much as possible following the injury. Using a neck brace is not advisable since it immobilizes the neck, rather it is best to perform some moderate exercises and stretches that help restore normal functioning and range of motion. Yoga may be helpful in promoting healing.

If the pains persists, it can limit the patient's work and leisure activities considerably. Very few patients will be affected by chronic pain, but those that do experience it may be referred for physiotherapy, massage therapy, or both. Taking this approach can usually help restore normal functionality to the neck.

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